Results for 'Roderick G. Galam'

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  1.  34
    The promise of the nation: Gender, history, and nationalism in contemporary Ilokano literature.Roderick G. Galam - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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    Scientific studies at Oxford and Cambridge, 1850–1914.G. W. Roderick & M. D. Stephens - 1976 - British Journal of Educational Studies 24 (1):49-65.
  3.  24
    Comments on Taylor's Theses.Roderick Firth, Richard B. Brandt, Carl G. Hempel, Roderick M. Chisholm & Donald Walhout - 1954 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (4):681 - 689.
    1. If Taylor's first two proposals are accepted, we must introduce a term to replace "know" in a familiar, but weaker, sense of the word. In ordinary speech it is correct to say that I know that p, even if my conviction that p might be somewhat increased by further evidence. In Taylor's stronger sense of "know" and "knowledge," it is doubtful that we have much, if any, knowledge. For even if we sometimes have evidence which is conclusive, and which (...)
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    A System of Epistemic Logic.Roderick M. Chisholm & Robert G. Keim - 1972 - Ratio (Misc.) 14 (2):99-115.
    The authors take as undefined the expression, "p is epistemically preferable to q for s at t", Which they interpret as referring to a relation that may hold among a man's believings ("he believes h"), His disbelievings ("he believes not-H"), And his withholdings ("he believes neither h nor not-H"). Seven axioms of epistemic preferability are set forth from which the authors deduce some 60 theorems. Some of these theorems are described as "pyrrhonistic." several fundamental epistemic concepts are defined in terms (...)
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    Graduate Education in Philosophy.Roderick M. Chisholm, H. G. Alexander, Lewis Hahn, Paul C. Hayner & Charles W. Hendel - 1958 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 32:145-156.
    The following statement is a report of the Committee on Philosophy in Education of the American Philosophical Association and was approved by the Association's Board of Officers in September, 1959. The Committee was composed of the following: C. W. Hendel, Chairman, H. G. Alexander, R. M. Chisholm, Max Fisch, Lucius Garvin, Douglas Morgan, A. E. Murphy, Charner Perry, and R. G. Turnbull. Primary responsibility for the preparation of this report belonged to a subcommittee composed of Roderick M. Chisholm, Chairman, (...)
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    The Muspratts of Liverpool.R. G. S. F. & Gordon W. Roderick B. Sc PhD. A. InstP - 1972 - Annals of Science 29 (3):287-311.
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  7. Mystical Experience and the Scope of C. G. Jung's Holism.Roderick Main - 2021 - In Edward F. Kelly & Paul Marshall (eds.), Consciousness Unbound: Liberating Mind from the Tyranny of Materialism. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    M. G. de Molinari.Roderick T. Long - unknown
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    JAK/STAT pathway inhibition overcomes IL7-induced glucocorticoid resistance in a subset of human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemias.C. Delgado-Martin, L. K. Meyer, B. J. Huang, K. A. Shimano, M. S. Zinter, J. V. Nguyen, G. A. Smith, J. Taunton, S. S. Winter, J. R. Roderick, M. A. Kelliher, T. M. Horton, B. L. Wood, D. T. Teachey & M. L. Hermiston - unknown
    While outcomes for children with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia have improved dramatically, survival rates for patients with relapsed/refractory disease remain dismal. Prior studies indicate that glucocorticoid resistance is more common than resistance to other chemotherapies at relapse. In addition, failure to clear peripheral blasts during a prednisone prophase correlates with an elevated risk of relapse in newly diagnosed patients. Here we show that intrinsic GC resistance is present at diagnosis in early thymic precursor T-ALLs as well as in a subset (...)
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    The Limits of Anti-Anti-Commodification Arguments.Roderick T. Long - 2023 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 37 (2):1-10.
    James Stacey Taylor, in his book Markets With Limits, argues that Jason Brennan and Peter Jaworski, in their book Markets Without Limits, systematically mischaracterize the views of the anti-commodification theorists they are critiquing, attributing to them positions (e.g., semiotic essentialism and an asymmetry thesis) that they do not hold. Further, Taylor offers an anti-commodification hypothesis of his own to explain why talented academics like Brennan and Jaworski could fall into such systematic mistakes – namely, that the intrusion of market norms (...)
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    Eighteenth Century The Unpublished Writings of Tobias Mayer. Volume I: Astronomy and Geography; Volume 2: Artillery and Mechanics; Volume 3: The Theory of the Magnet and its Application to Terrestrial Magnetism. Ed. by Eric G. Forbes. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 1972. Pp. viii + 227; viii + 136; vi + 104. DM 18, DM 27, and DM 35. [REVIEW]Roderick Home - 1974 - British Journal for the History of Science 7 (3):296-298.
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  12. Review: G. Watts Cunningham, On the Meaningfulness of Vague Language. [REVIEW]Roderick M. Chisholm - 1952 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (3):219-220.
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    Empirical knowledge; readings from contemporary sources.Roderick M. Chisholm - 1973 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall. Edited by Robert J. Swartz.
    Nelson, L. The impossibility of the "Theory of knowledge."--Moore, G. E. Four forms of skepticism.--Lehrer, K. Skepticism & conceptual change.--Quine, W. V. Epistemology naturalized.--Rozeboom, W. W. Why I know so much more than you do.--Price, H. H. Belief and evidence.--Lewis, C. I. The bases of empirical knowledge.--Malcolm, N. The verification argument.--Firth, R. The anatomy of certainty.--Chisholm, R. M. On the nature of empirical evidence.--Meinong, A. Toward an epistemological assessment of memory.--Brandt, R. The epistemological status of memory beliefs.--Malcolm, N. A definition (...)
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  14. Brentano’s Conception of Substance and Accident.Roderick M. Chisholm - 1978 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 5 (1):197-210.
    Brentano uses terms in place of predicates (e.g. "a thinker" in place of "thinks") and characterizes the "is" of predication in terms of the part-whole relation. Taking as his ontological data certain intentional phenomena that are apprehended with certainty, he conceives the substance-accident relation as a defmeable type of part-whole relation which we can apprehend in "inner perception". He is then able to distinguish the following types of individual or ens reale: substances; primary individuals which are not substances; accidents; aggregates; (...)
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    Stand und Aufgaben der Sprachwissenschaft. Festschrift für Wilhelm Streitberg. Pp.xix + 670. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1924. Paper, 22 Marks; bound, 24.50 Marks. - Untersuchungen zur allgemeitien Akzentlehre. DrAlfred Von Schmitt. Pp. xvi + 209. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1924. Paper, 5.50 Marks. - The Numeral Words, their Origin, Meaning, History, and Lesson. By Melius De Villiers, M.A., LL.B., sometime Chief Justice of the Orange Free State. Pp. 124. London: H. F. and G. Witherby; Cape Town: Juta and Co., Ltd., etc., 1923. - Language and Philology. By Roland Kent, Ph.D. (Our Debt to Greece and Rome, Vol. XXII.) Pp. 174. London, Calcutta, Sydney: Harrap and Co., Ltd., 1924. Cloth, 5s. net. [REVIEW]Roderick Mckenzie - 1924 - The Classical Review 38 (7-8):211-212.
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    Jung on Synchronicity and the Paranormal.C. G. Jung - 1997 - Routledge.
    Jung's lifelong interest in the paranormal contributed significantly to the development of his influential but controversial theory of synchronicity. In this volume Roderick Main brings together a selection of Jung's writings on topics from well-known and less accessible sources to explore the close relationship between them. In a searching introduction he addresses all the main aspects of synchronicity and clarifies the confusions and difficulties commonly experienced by readers interested in achieving a real understanding of what Jung had to say. (...)
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    Cannon, WB, 297 Caraka. 41, 67,280 Carroll, Noel, 15 Chisholm, Roderick M., 15 Chrysippus the Stoic, 9.Rumania Bhatta, Siriga Bhupala, Wang Bi, Purushottama Bilimoria, Perry Black, Lawrence A. Blum, Jiwei Ci, Stanley G. Clarke, John Collins & John M. Cooper - 1995 - In Roger Ames, Robert C. Solomon & Joel Marks (eds.), Emotions in Asian Thought: A Dialogue in Comparative Philosophy. SUNY Press.
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    Pesky Essays on the Logic of Philosophy.Kenneth G. Lucey - 2014 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This collection of essays explores the philosophy of human knowledge from a multitude of perspectives, with a particular emphasis upon the justification component of the classical analysis of knowledge and with an excursion along the way to explore the role of knowledge in Texas Hold ‘Em poker. An important theme of the collection is the role of knowledge in religion, including a detailed argument for agnosticism. A number of the essays touch upon issues in philosophical logic, among them a fascinating (...)
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    Brentano and Intrinsic Value. [REVIEW]James G. Hart - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 41 (4):820-822.
    In this rich little volume, Roderick Chisholm gives us a taste of the rich tapestry of Brentano's thought. Besides being an original analysis, which the reader expects from this thinker, this work is a contribution to Brentano scholarship.
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    On knowing and the known: introductory readings in epistemology.Kenneth G. Lucey (ed.) - 1996 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    What do we mean when we say we "know" something? What is this knowledge and how do we come by it? What exactly counts as an object of knowledge? And on what basis do we defend our claims to know against thosethe skepticswho deny that knowledge is possible or that our criteria for knowing can ever be satisfied? These questions and many others are addressed in this fascinating collection of essays by leading philosophers, who discuss the nature, meaning, and extent (...)
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  21.  54
    Roderick M. Chisholm. Contrary-to-duty imperatives and deontic logic. Analysis , vol. 24 no. 2 , pp. 33–36. - Mark Fisher. A contradiction in deontic logic?Analysis , vol. 25 no. 1 , pp. 12–13. - G. H. von Wright. A new system of deontic logic. Danish yearbook of philosophy, vol. 1 , pp. 173–182. - G. H. von Wright. A correction to a new system of deontic logic. Danish yearbook of philosophy, vol. 2 , pp. 103–107. [REVIEW]Frederic B. Fitch - 1967 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 32 (2):243-244.
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  22. G. E. Moore and the Problem of the Criterion.Joshua Anderson - 2021 - Southwest Philosophy Review 37 (1):53-60.
    In this paper, I offer an understanding of G.E. Moore’s epistemology as presented in, “A Defence of Common Sense” and “Proof of an External World”. To frame the discussion, I look to Roderick Chisholm’s essay, The Problem of the Criterion. I begin by looking at two ways that Chisholm believes one can respond to the problem of the criterion, and, referring back to Moore’s essays, explain why it is not unreasonable for Chisholm to believe that he is following a (...)
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  23. Readings in philosophical analysis. Selected and edited by Feigl Herbert and Sellars Wilfrid. Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc., New York, 1949, x + 626 pp.Quine W. V.. Designation and existence, pp. 44–51.Tarski Alfred. The semantic conception of truth, pp. 52–84.Frege Gottlob. On sense and nominatum, pp. 85–102.Russell Bertrand. On denoting, pp. 103–115.Nagel Ernest. Logic without ontology, pp. 191–210.Hempel Carl G.. On the nature of mathematical truth, pp. 222–237.Carnap Rudolf. The two concepts of probability, pp. 330–348.Chisholm Roderick M.. The contrary-to-fact conditional, pp. 482–497. [REVIEW]Max Black - 1949 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):184-185.
  24.  25
    Physics in Australia to 1945: Bibliography and Biographical Register. Roderick Weir Home, Paula J. NeedhamPhysics and the Rise of Scientific Research in Canada. Yves Gingras, Peter KeatingIn Celebration of Canadian Scientists: A Decade of Killam Laureates. Geraldine A. Kenney-Wallace, Mel G. MacLeod, Ralph Gordon Stanton. [REVIEW]Lewis Pyenson - 1992 - Isis 83 (4):684-685.
  25. Chisholm’s changing conception of ordinary objects.Mark Steen - 2008 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 76 (1):1-56.
    Roderick Chisholm changed his mind about ordinary objects. Circa 1973-1976, his analysis of them required the positing of two kinds of entities—part-changing ens successiva and non-part-changing, non-scatterable primary objects. This view has been well noted and frequently discussed (e.g., recently in Gallois 1998 and Sider 2001). Less often treated is his later view of ordinary objects (1986-1989), where the two kinds of posited entities change, from ens successiva to modes, and, while retaining primary objects, he now allows them to (...)
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  26. Does Perceiving Entail Knowing?John Turri - 2010 - Theoria 76 (3):197-206.
    This article accomplishes two closely connected things. First, it refutes an influential view about the relationship between perception and knowledge. In particular, it demonstrates that perceiving does not entail knowing. Second, it leverages that refutation to demonstrate that knowledge is not the most general factive propositional attitude.
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  27. Common Sense: A Contemporary Defense.Noah Marcelino Lemos - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this 2004 book, Noah Lemos presents a strong defense of the common sense tradition, the view that we may take as data for philosophical inquiry many of the things we ordinarily think we know. He discusses the main features of that tradition as expounded by Thomas Reid, G. E. Moore and Roderick Chisholm. For a long time common sense philosophers have been subject to two main objections: that they fail to give any non-circular argument for the reliability of (...)
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    Stephan Körner: Practical Reason.David Gauthier - 1977 - Dialogue 16 (3):510-518.
    This interesting volume offers sustenance to almost all who have an appetite for the problems of practical reason. As the Proceedings of the First Bristol Conference on Critical Philosophy, it contains the five papers presented there, with the remarks of commentators and, in three cases, replies. First, the bill of fare.Roderick Chisholm opens with “Practical Reason and the Logic of Requirement”, about which I shall say no more than to quote the beginning of G.E.M. Anscombe's comment: “It is characteristic (...)
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  29. The alleged fallacy of the sense-datum inference.Andrew Chrucky - 1992
    Sense-data, if they exist, could conceivably provide foundations for empirical knowledge. Those who are opposed to empirical foundationalism are therefore also prone to reject sense-data and arguments for their existence, e.g., Rorty, Bonjour; while foundationalists are prone to accept the existence of sense-data, e.g., Russell, Ayer, Broad, Price, Lewis. An exception to this is the position of Roderick Chisholm who accepts empirical foundationalism but rejects the existence of sense-data.
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    Classical Chisholmian Internalism.Alvin Plantinga - 1993 - In Warrant: The Current Debate.Warrant and Proper Function. New York, US: Oxford University Press USA.
    In order to examine the relationship between warrant and justification, I turn, in this chapter, to the views of Roderick Chisholm, or, more precisely, to the classical Chisholm. In important respects, the classical Chisholm's internalism displays much continuity with the deontological internalism of Descartes and Locke. The classical Chisholm's official position on warrant is that warrant is a matter of fulfilling epistemic obligation – a matter of a proposition's being so related to a person that he can better fulfill (...)
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  31. Early Philosophical Writings.J. G. Fichte - 1988
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    Intentionality: A study of the views of Chisholm and Sellars.David M. Rosenthal - 1968 - Philosophy:1-361.
    Edited in hypertext by Andrew Chrucky. Reprinted with the permission of Professor David Rosenthal. Editor's Note: Due to the limitation of current hypertext, the following conventions have been used. In general, if an expression has some mark over it, that mark is placed as a prefix to the expression. All Greek characters are rendered by their names. Subscripts are placed in parentheses as concatenated suffixes: thus, e.g., HO is the chemical formula for water. Sellars' dot quotes are expressed by bold (...)
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    Scientific Explanations.Edward H. Madden - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (4):723 - 743.
    There has been much first-rate work done in recent years both by way of criticizing Humean assumptions and explicating alter native concepts of causal explanation and non-logical necessity. Roderick Chisholm early showed the inadequacies of neo-Humean views of explanation in his articles on counterfactual inference, and C. J. Ducasse, Sterling Lamprecht, William Kneale, Nicholas Maxwell, Richard Taylor, G. E. M. Anscombe, P. T. Geach, Milton Fisk, Baruch Brody, Peter Alexander, R. Harré, and William Wallace, among others, have articulated interesting (...)
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  34. Two Definitions of Lying.James Edwin Mahon - 2008 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 22 (2):211-230.
    This article first examines a number of different definitions of lying, from Aldert Vrij, Warren Shibles, Sissela Bok, the Oxford English Dictionary, Linda Coleman and Paul Kay, and Joseph Kupfer. It considers objections to all of them, and then defends Kupfer’s definition, as well as a modified version of his definition, as the best of those so far considered. Next, it examines five other definitions of lying, from Harry G. Frankfurt, Roderick M. Chisholm and Thomas D. Feehan, David Simpson, (...)
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  35. The Advancement of Science and Its Burdens.G. Holton - 2004 - Harvard University Press.
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    The elements of formal logic.G. E. Hughes - 1965 - New York,: Harper & Row. Edited by D. G. Londey.
    Originally published in 1965. This is a textbook of modern deductive logic, designed for beginners but leading further into the heart of the subject than most other books of the kind. The fields covered are the Propositional Calculus, the more elementary parts of the Predicate Calculus, and Syllogistic Logic treated from a modern point of view. In each of the systems discussed the main emphases are on Decision Procedures and Axiomatisation, and the material is presented with as much formal rigour (...)
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    Dieu garant de véracité ou Reid critique de Descartes.Louise Marcil-Lacoste - 1975 - Dialogue 14 (4):584-605.
    Récemment, dans The Problem of the Criterion, Roderick M. Chisholm distinguait deux stratégies visant à résoudre le problème du cercle vicieux, à savoir, celle des «particularistes» pour lesquels il faut d'abord établir ce qu'on sait, partant, formuler les criteres de la connaissance et celle des « méthodistes » qui entendent établir d'abord les critères de la connaissance, partant, son étendue. Voici done notre problème formulé, puisque Chisholm considère Descartes comme un exemple de stratégic «méthodiste» et Thomas Reid ainsi que (...)
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    Introduction to metaphysics: the fundamental questions.Andrew B. Schoedinger (ed.) - 1991 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Are the characteristics and relationships among spatio-temporal entities "real" or are they simply conventional terms that note similarities among things in the world but lack any reality of their own? Or if they are real, what sort of reality do they have? Do we live in a world of causes and effects, or is this relation a useful contrivance for our convenience? What is the nature of this "I" that we invoke when referring to ourselves? Is it body? Mind? Both? (...)
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  39. Relativism, Particularism and Reflective Equilibrium.Howard Sankey - 2014 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 45 (2):281-292.
    In previous work, I have sought to show that the basic argument for epistemic relativism derives from the problem of the criterion that stems from ancient Pyrrhonian scepticism. Because epistemic relativism depends upon a sceptical strategy, it is possible to respond to relativism on the basis of an anti-sceptical strategy. I argue that the particularist response to scepticism proposed by Roderick Chisholm may be combined with a naturalistic and reliabilist conception of epistemic warrant as the basis for a satisfactory (...)
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    Within-species variations in g: The case of Homo sapiens.John G. Borkowski - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):660.
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    Arguing About Knowledge.Duncan Pritchard & Ram Neta (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Routledge.
    What is knowledge? What are the sources of knowledge? What is the value of knowledge? What can we know? _Arguing About Knowledge_ offers a fresh and engaging perspective on the theory of knowledge. This comprehensive and imaginative selection of readings examines the subject in an unorthodox and entertaining manner whilst covering the fundamentals of the theory of knowledge. It includes classic and contemporary pieces from the most influential philosophers from Descartes, Russell, Quine and G.E. Moore to Richard Feldman, Edward Craig, (...)
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    On Certainty.G. E. M. Anscombe & George Henrik von Wright (eds.) - 1991 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    Written over the last 18 months of his life and inspired by his interest in G. E. Moore's defence of common sense, this much discussed volume collects Wittgenstein's reflections on knowledge and certainty, on what it is to know a proposition for sure.
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    Skepticism, Foundationalism, and Pragmatism.Joseph Margolis - 1977 - American Philosophical Quarterly 14 (2):119 - 127.
    This article formulates the grounds on which a pragmatist theory of knowledge may be favored against skepticism and foundationalism without requiring the refutation of skepticism. It explores in considerable detail some of the central positions bearing on the issue, Including views of g e moore, Bertrand russell, Roderick chisholm, Keith lehrer, Leonard nelson. It also provides a fresh characterization of pragmatism and shows the bearing of theories of truth on the justification of knowledge claims.
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    The Virtues and Vices of Agnosticism.Charles Champe Taliaferro - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (4):130.
    This essay begins with preliminary observations about the nature of agnosticism. Based on the term’s etymology, in this essay an agnostic about some proposition (e.g., God exists) is someone who does not know whether the proposition is true. Being an agnostic about the truth of a proposition is compatible with the proposition appearing to be true or the state of affairs obtains but incompatible with an agnostic knowing its truth or that the state of affairs obtains. (Reference to propositions and (...)
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    The Peace of Philocrates again.G. L. Cawkwell - 1978 - Classical Quarterly 28 (01):93-.
    In REG 73 and 75 I discussed various points connected with the Peace of Philocrates, a number of which have been assailed by M. M. Markle in CQ N.S. 24 in an article entitled ‘The Strategy of Philip in 346 B.C.’. Time passes, and, although de Ste. Croix in his Origins of the Peloponnesian War , p.105, felt able to declare that ‘a book shortly to be published by M. M. Markle makes a valuable and original contribution to our understanding (...)
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    The Phenomenology of Democracy.G. Scott Davis - 2020 - Journal of Religious Ethics 48 (1):152-171.
    Molly Farneth’s Hegel’s Social Ethics hearkens back to the tradition of Josiah Royce, which has continued in the work of Richard Bernstein and Jeffrey Stout. At the same time, it reflects the impact of three decades of interpretive work which has offered an alternative to the 19th and early 20th century reading of Hegel as a metaphysical systematizer. In this new reading he was from the beginning a social critic and political theorist who looked to lay the groundwork for post‐Enlightenment (...)
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    Avant-propos.Nicole G. Albert - 2021 - Diogène n° 267-267 (3-4):4-8.
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    On Fibring Semantics for BDI Logics.G. Governatori, V. C. P. Nair & A. Sattar - unknown
    This study examines BDI logics in the context of Gabbay's fibring semantics. We show that dovetailing can be adopted as a semantic methodology to combine BDI logics. We develop a set of interaction axioms that can capture static as well as dynamic aspects of the mental states in BDI systems, using Catach's incestual schema G^[a, b, c, d]. Further we exemplify the constraints required on fibring function to capture the semantics of interactions among modalities. The advantages of having a fibred (...)
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    Expanding Horizons in the History of Science.G. E. R. Lloyd - 2021 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book challenges the common assumption that the predominant focus of the history of science should be the achievements of Western scientists since the so-called Scientific Revolution. The conceptual frameworks within which the members of earlier societies and of modern indigenous groups worked admittedly pose severe problems for our understanding. But rather than dismiss them on the grounds that they are incommensurable with our own and to that extent unintelligible, we should see them as offering opportunities for us to revise (...)
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    Climacus’ Miracle: Another Look at “the Wonder” in Philosophical Fragments through a Spinozist Lens.G. P. Marcar - 2019 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 24 (1):59-84.
    In Chapter 2 of the Philosophical Fragments, Søren Kierkegaard’s pseudonym Johannes Climacus poetises about a “king who loved a maiden.” Climacus concludes this venture with a bold claim: what he has just described is “so different from any human poem” that it should not be regarded as a poem at all, but as “the wonder” [Vidunderet] which leads one to exclaim in adoration that “[t]his thought did not arise in my own heart!” In the subsequent chapter of Philosophical Fragments, Climacus (...)
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